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The Cursed Chinese Village of Dwarfs

China has something weird likewise as Indian twin town that is “The village of Dwarfs”. This is village name Yangsi in sichuan province of southwest china. 40% of the residents in the village are dwarfs .They are not brought to the village all dwarf born here.

The scientists are baffled about the reason for this dwarfness because as per science there may be a dwarf in every 20000 newborn but here is evry third person is a dwarf. The tallest one is 3’ 10” tall while the shortest one is 2’ 1” tall.

There are total 36 dwarf counted out of 80 villagers and scientists could not explain this theory. So many testing of soil, water, and other atmosphere factors have been taken but still this is a mystery for the world. Even they have gone through individual dwarf examination but all gone vain.


This is said that when japanese attacked the yangsi village they spread a toxic gas on villagers so the effect is shown as dwarfness in them and this gaseous effect is still deforming their body.

Some of them says that this because of bad fang shui of village and this can not be change. And some villagers says that a dangerous disease spread over yangsi long time ago and this disease only killed the children between the age of 5 to 7 years old so the disease remain here in their jeans.

The most interesting and fairy-tale like saying is that there was a black tortoise with uneven body came to their village and a man names wang want to make a delicious food of it but some villagers were against him but wang killed the tortoise and the curse of tortoise is still making the villagers dwarf.


After all predictions and stories this is an Amazing but True fact for the world.  


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