Michel Lotito : Mr. Eats All The Man Who Eats Everything Even Metals Michel Lotito, better known as “Monsieur Mangetout,” which appropriately translates to “Mr. Eats All,” has certainly lived up to his nickname. The Frenchman has eaten everything from bicycles (including the spokes) to an entire Cessna 150 airplane. Between 1959 and 1997, he ate an estimated nine tons of metal. That’s right, nine tons. Lotito suffered from Pica, which is a medical condition that causes cravings to eat such things as dirt, glass and, apparently, anything metal. The disorder, as you might guess, can lead to a blocked intestine and other surgical emergencies in normal people. Lead poisoning is also a risk. Fortunately for him, the French-born “entertainer,” as he often referred to himself, also had what doctors deemed a “very thick” lining in his stomach and intestines. This made it possible for sharp metal objects to pass through his system without doing any structural damage. (Poi...
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