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World's First Man Pragnant!!!!

World's first pregnant man Thomas Beatie 

This year the couple's ten year relationship broke down after Nancy, who had a hysterectomy before the couple married in 2003, started to drink heavily and Thomas was granted sole custody of their three children Austin, Jensen and Susan.
Today Thomas, who still has a womb but now also has a penis, has found love with day care worker Amber Nicholas. The couple want children and Thomas says if Amber struggles to conceive then he is happy to step in.

Thomas Beatie appeared on This Morning to talk about his extraordinary family
Thomas Beatie appeared on This Morning to talk about his extraordinary family
A relaxed looking Thomas arrives at the This Morning studios
A relaxed looking Thomas arrives at the This Morning studios
Talking to the Sunday Mirror 38-year-old Thomas, who had his first sex change operation 15 years ago said: ' Amber and I are totally smitten. We would love kids ­together and we are already discussing it.

    'Being pregnant was the most ­incredible experience, but we want Amber to do it this time around. I think it would be amazing to experience ­pregnancy as the father.'
    Surgeons have advised Thomas, who is originally from Hawaii but now lives in Arizona, against getting pregnant because he is biologically a man following a full sex change five years ago.
    But it is still physically possible because he still has his womb
    Thomas says: 'It is just about which one of us would be more successful at ­having a baby,
    'It is even ­possible we could both be pregnant at the same time. Amber suggested we both try to get pregnant and ­whoever gets there first goes through with it.'
    Thomas with his wife Nancy Beatie, Thomas gave birth to three children during the couple's ten year marriage
    Thomas with his wife Nancy Beatie, Thomas gave birth to three children during the couple's ten year marriage
    At the same time as trying for a baby Thomas is battling with the courts to get divorced from his wife Nancy.
    An Arizona judge is blocking the action by refusing to recognise that the couple were ever actually legitimately wed.
    The judge believes that because both Beatie and his wife have female sex organs their union could equate to a same sex marriage which is not legal in Arizona, arguing that he cannot find any legal authority that defines a man as someone who is able to give birth.
    Talking on This Morning today Thomas talked about his struggle to get their marriage legally recognised.
    He said: ''Divorce is never fun. This is extremely complicated and uncharted territory.
    'We were married ten years ago, we own property together, all our finances are bundled up together.
    'Legally I am a man but there is a hiccup in recognising the marriage.
    'I wanted to live and die with Nancy. 
    'She is working out some issues but she is still a friend and hopefully one day she will be better and be able to co-parent our children.'
    Thomas as a young woman modelling in Hawaii
    Thomas as a young woman modelling in Hawaii


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