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A Dream Home Should Like This!!!

                                                                                                                                   15 AMAZING HOUSE DESIGNS IN THE WORLD

Cocoon House

Cocoon House

A house inspired by the volcanic typography of Jeju Island and the cocoon. You can see a cocoon like structure in the middle. The interior of this three storey dwelling has wooden and glass touches that added to its futuristic look. The construction started last September 2012 and will be completed in 2015.

Flights of Birds

 Flights of Birds

The structure is designed like the wings of the bird but if you think that the shapes were just distributed in whatever manner you are wrong. Each part of the design has function. This imaginative house is located in Sao Miguel Island in the Azores, Portugal.

H3 House

H3 House

The futuristic look of this house was inspired by the owner’s passion for yachts. It is situated in Athens, Greece with a total floor area of 3000 square meters. This is an eco-friendly house that uses geothermal energy.

Moebius House

Moebius House

A house located in Sydney, Australia which is a concrete example of liquid architecture featuring a distinctive roof shape. One solid white wall extends over the house to the second floor creating a terrace.

OLS House

Retro Dining Room

This house is beautiful with a futuristic touch. It is designed for a family of four with an elevated main floor. This is located in Stuttgart, Germany.

Dupli Casa

Dupli Casa

From an old house to a futuristic home – this is how the Dupli Casa was made. The renovation sure looked amazing that the homeowners might no longer recognize their previous space. This house design shows the family’s history by duplication and rotation. You will find this in Ludwigsburg, Germany.

Futuristic House in Los Angeles

Futuristic House in Los Angeles

This futuristic house uses strong geometric lines. Its interior looks so beautiful and totally comfortable too. The area is around 540 sq.m.

The Komb House

The Komb House

This house looks interesting due to its unique design. It uses technology and materials that have minimal impact to the environment. It features solar panel heated water, energy efficient appliances, reuse of pluvial and grey water, low energy LED lighting and raised radiant flooring. This dwelling is divided into spaces for main daily activities, play, eat, sleep and cleanse.

Zero House

Zero House

Believe it or not, this house can be yours wherever you are. This small house for four people is prefabricated. It can easily be shipped and erected quickly. This is also eco-friendly, comfortable and self-sufficient.

Capital Hill Residence

Capital Hill Residence

In the Slopes of Barvikha, Russia, an ultra-contemporary luxury villa made from steel, concrete and glass is seated. One look at it will remind you of a spaceship. This house is spacious that you can get anything you want for a home from saunas to a fitness area.

Retro Futuristic House Design

Retro Futuristic House Design

Have you ever imagined how a house would look like if you combine retro and futuristic designs? You will come up with something like this house in Wageningen. The combination creates a contemporary living space with several terraces and porches.

Beekbergen Villa

Beekbergen Villa

This home located in Beekbergen village in the Dutch province of Gelderland is so unique. It is designed for a family who prefers a home with futuristic and whimsical design. The exterior of the house has two faces. The other one look contemporary with a solid white concrete while the other one looks totally unique and futuristic.

Pangyo House

Pangyo House

This white three storey house is located in Seoul, South Korea. It has an eccentric facade with curvy lines and square perforations. This house- no matter how futuristic it looks- is actually designed to connect with nature.

Shell House

Shell House

In Karuizawa, Japan, you will find this home with the profile of a shell and its entire look is so futuristic. The facade looks like two ovals but if you go around the structure, it is really shaped like a shell and you will surely be amazed with it! It uses double-elliptical shapes and curves for the structure supported by concrete and wood.

House F

House F

Nature and technology was combined in this house that looks like from a sci-fi on first glance. But yes, this is real. It was designed to fit into the slopes of the location. It has pitched roofs that are cladded with sheet metal that made it look like a machine.
Futuristic house are really amazing! Aside from being unique, you will surely be impressed on how the professionals worked on the design. It would certainly require in depth and proper analysis to make sure that the structures will remain sturdy and durable. Even the workers deserve commendation because they were the ones who worked to realize the designs of the architects and engineers. But if you want a home that is easier to build that this, you can try having modern homes which is trendy these days. You might also get ideas on what you want for home from our other collections.


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