10 Incredibly Unusual Recipes Granted, many of these recipes are not seen as “unusual” in their home towns, but to the average Westerner, there is something awful about each and every one. Having said that, who are we to judge without trying? I just don’t want to go first! If you have had experience eating any of these dishes, please tell us about it in the comments. 10 Caterpillar Pretzels Mexico Caterpillars of skipper butterflies, which live on the maguey cactus, are toasted or fried and eaten with mescal. Since the maguey is the source of pulque and tequila, ‘caterpillar pretzels’ are a favorite in Mexico, even available canned. 9 Bee Larvae In Coconut Cream Thailand Marinate larvae, sliced onions and lime leaves in coconut cream with some pepper. Wrap in pieces of linen and steam; serve over rice. 8 Red Ant Chutney India Collect ants in leaf cups, put directly into the hot ashes of a fire for just a few minutes. Remove ants and make into ...
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