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Wana taste these weird recipes?????

10 Incredibly Unusual Recipes Granted, many of these recipes are not seen as “unusual” in their home towns, but to the average Westerner, there is something awful about each and every one. Having said that, who are we to judge without trying? I just don’t want to go first! If you have had experience eating any of these dishes, please tell us about it in the comments. 10 Caterpillar Pretzels Mexico Caterpillars of skipper butterflies, which live on the maguey cactus, are toasted or fried and eaten with mescal. Since the maguey is the source of pulque and tequila, ‘caterpillar pretzels’ are a favorite in Mexico, even available canned. 9 Bee Larvae In Coconut Cream Thailand Marinate larvae, sliced onions and lime leaves in coconut cream with some pepper. Wrap in pieces of linen and steam; serve over rice. 8 Red Ant Chutney India Collect ants in leaf cups, put directly into the hot ashes of a fire for just a few minutes. Remove ants and make into ...

A Lady With Longest Nails!!!

Las Vegas woman grows longest finger nails in the world A Las Vegas woman who hasn't clipped her finger nails in 18 years has won the Guinness World Record for the longest nails in the world. Image  1  of  3 Chris Walton shows off her record breaking fingernails in New York   Photo: AP/Seth Wenig 7:00AM BST 15 Sep 2011 Chris Walton has been growing her nails for 18 years and it has finally paid off. Guinness World Records named Ms Walton the woman with the longest fingernails, introducing "The Dutchess" and her nails at a New York City event, where Guinness spokesman Stuart Claxton called her a "unique beauty". The 45-year-old's nails measure 10ft 2in on her left hand and 9ft 7in on her right hand. She said she does her own makeup and does household chores despite the challenges posed by her extremely long nails. "I hate all the cleaning, but I do it. And the makeup, I only wear so much,...

World's First Man Pragnant!!!!

World's first pregnant man Thomas Beatie  Since hitting the headlines in 2008 for being the world's first pregnant man Thomas Beatie has gone on to give birth to three children with his wife Nancy. This year the couple's ten year relationship broke down after Nancy,  who had a hysterectomy before the couple married in 2003,  started to drink heavily and Thomas was granted sole custody of their three children Austin, Jensen and Susan. Today Thomas, who still has a womb but now also has a penis, has found love with day care worker Amber Nicholas. The couple want children and Thomas says if Amber struggles to conceive then he is happy to step in. Thomas Beatie appeared on This Morning to talk about his extraordinary family A relaxed looking Thomas arrives at the This Morning studios Talking to the Sunday Mirror 38-year-old Thomas, who had his first sex change operation 15 years ago said:  '  Amber and I are totally smitten. We would love k...


AGHORIES :   The  Compost Mentis If somebody were to tell you stories about people who indulge in alcohol and drugs, who live in cemeteries, eat human flesh, and have sexual intercourse with corpses, you would definitely think that they are talking about some lunatic, Satanist, or at least mentally ill person. However, if these people live in India and are called Aghori, then almost billion Hindus believe they are holly men, and their 'filthy' deeds are not considered repulsive and pervert, rather they are welcomed and worthy of respect. If you attend a ritual burning of the deceased somewhere in India, and Aghoris happen to be nearby, then you may witness an astonishing and disgusting event. In rare instances, the flesh of the deceased does not burn completely, which is a bad sign. The son of the deceased, regardless of the caste he belongs to, then seeks a filthy, messy, and drunken Aghori, and kindly asks him to eat his deceased parent’s remains. The Aghori would t...

What a creation !!!

Unbelievable And Unknown Places In World I can show you here unbelievable, amazing and unknown places in world. I have no words to say about it. Just see and enjoy...

The most venomous animal on the planet!!!

Top 10 Worst Things In Nature 1 .Honey Badger Most Vicious Animal The honey badger is usually found in Africa and Western and Southern Asia. For a number of years the Guinness Book of Records has named it the “most fearless creature”. This animal (which looks deceptively cute) will attack virtually anything and it is smart enough to know its opponents weak spots. For example, when confronted by a human male, it will attack the testicles. This is also one of the few animals that uses tools – for example making use of logs as ladders. The honey badger loves honey and will dive right into a beehive with no regard to its own safety – which unfortunately often leads to its death. Honey Badgers can kill crocodiles, and are very efficient snake killers. It takes only 15 minutes for the animal to eat a 5 foot snake. The ferocity of these creatures is well known in nature and not even a leopard or lion will attempt to kill one. ...

DiD You See ever a snake like this!!!!

World's Biggest Snake in Indonesia   A python found in Indonesia is 14.85m (49ft) long and has a maximum body circumference of 85cm (almost three feet) and weighs 447kg (70 stone, 3lbs). It was captured by a 58-year-old python expert from east Java who was summoned to Jambi after locals, who stumbled upon it while foraging for wood, were too afraid to approach it. The expert reportedly needed 65 helpers to snare the python and the blessing of tribal leaders as pythons are regarded as deities by many locals. The python is proving to be a major attraction for the zoo, as about 700 people visit the Curugsewu zoo every day to admire the new but rather lazy star.