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Stonehenge: The Strange Ancient Monument

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, about 2 miles west of Amesbury and 8 miles north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthwork
Stonehenge is the UK's most important ancient monument and has been throughout history. It's one of Britain's most important tourist destinations and attracts about 900,000 visitors every year. It was visited by Romans stationed in the region and a Saxon burial on the site confirms that it was seen as a place of religious significance during both the dark and middle ages. The earliest known written reference appears in 937 AD with regard to a land deed from King Athelstan to Wilton Abbey which refers to 'Stanheyeg'. It's near impossible to imagine how Neolithic people managed to build it and rearrange it several times over the millennia. It's important to pagans and druids as a religious site and is at the centre of the British crop-circle phenomenon. Some archaeologists believe it was a temple while others believe that it represented a doorway into the afterlife.

Stonehenge is at the heart of an ancient stone-age complex that is far larger than the monument that can still be seen today.


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