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Showing posts from June, 2013


The Tree Man of Java : Dede Koswara. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (also called Lewandowsky-Lutz dysplasia or Lutz-Lewandowsky epidermodysplasia verruciformis) is an extremely rare autosomal recessive genetic hereditary skin disorder associated with a high risk of carcinoma of the skin. It is characterized by abnormal susceptibility to human papillomaviruses (HPVs) of the skin. The resulting uncontrolled HPV infections result in the growth of scaly macules and papules, particularly on the hands and feet. It is typically associated with HPV types 5 and 8, which are found in about 80% of the normal population as asymptomatic infections, although other types may also contribute. The condition usually has an onset of between the ages of 1–20, but can occasionally present in middle-age. It is named after the physicians who first documented it, Felix Lewandowsky and Wilhelm Lutz.Dede Koswara his ordeal started when he was 15 and cut his kn...

NIK WALLENDA- The Daredevil High Rope walker

NIK Wallenda : The Highest Tight Rope Walker Made all heights tiny Aerialist Nik Wallenda completed a tightrope walk that took him a quarter mile over the Little Colorado River Gorge in northeastern Arizona on Sunday. Wallenda performed the stunt on a 2-inch-thick steel cable, 1,500 feet above the river on the Navajo Nation near the Grand Canyon. He took just more than 22 minutes, pausing and crouching twice as winds whipped around him and the rope swayed Wallenda didn't wear a harness and stepped slowly and steady throughout, murmuring prayers to Jesus almost constantly along the way. He jogged and hopped the last few steps. The event was broadcast live on the Discovery Channel. Winds blowing across the gorge had been expected to be around 30 mph. Wallenda told Discovery after the walk that the winds were at times "unpredictable" and that dust had accumulated on his contact lenses. "It...

Michel lotito- The man who eat metals only!

Michel Lotito :  Mr. Eats All The Man Who Eats Everything Even Metals Michel Lotito, better known as “Monsieur Mangetout,” which appropriately translates to “Mr. Eats All,” has certainly lived up to his nickname. The Frenchman has eaten everything from bicycles (including the spokes) to an entire Cessna 150 airplane. Between 1959 and 1997, he ate an estimated nine tons of metal. That’s right, nine tons. Lotito suffered from Pica, which is a medical condition that causes cravings to eat such things as dirt, glass and, apparently, anything metal. The disorder, as you might guess, can lead to a blocked intestine and other surgical emergencies in normal people. Lead poisoning is also a risk. Fortunately for him, the French-born “entertainer,” as he often referred to himself, also had what doctors deemed a “very thick” lining in his stomach and intestines. This made it possible for sharp metal objects to pass through his system without doing any structural damage. (Poi...

Little Tippi - The Real life "mogali"

These incredible photographs document the life of Tippi Benjamine Okanti Degré, a young girl who was brought up by her wildlife photographer parents in Africa. Young Tippi was born in Namibia and travelled through many African countries during her childhood, making friends with the animals and local tribesmen. 'Her everyday life was making sure monkeys did not steal her bottle,' said her mother, Sylvie Robert. 'Or she would call me over and point to an elephant eating from a palm tree and say 'mummy, be quiet, we're going to frighten him.' 'She had so much freedom. It was like having the biggest playground.' Tippi's African adventures gave her a special connection with the wild animals - just like the Jungle Book's Mowgli - and that can be seen in these pictures where Tippi gets close with penguins, meerkats and an elephant named Abu. 'She had no fear,' said Sylvie. 'She did not realise she was not the ...

Tippi- The Real Life Mowgli

who spent the first ten years of her life growing up in the African bush Heart-warming pictures of the real life Mowgli, a girl who spent the first ten years of her life growing up in the African bush, have been released for the first time. The magical images chronicle the life of Tippi Benjamine Okanti Degre, who was brought up with wild animals, just like Rudyard Kipling's hero did in The Jungle Book. The images in 'Tippi: My Book of Africa' - now being published worldwide for the first time - show the young girl making friends with an elephant, who she calls her brother, and a leopard, her best friend. Real life Mowgli: Photos of Tippi, a girl who spent the first ten years of her life growing up in the African bush, have been released for the first time Bond: Tippi aged 6 sitting on the back of Linda, a tamed ostrich in South Africa, left, and cradling two meerkats  Follow me: Tippi riding on Abu's neck ...

The most Haunted places of Europe

1.लंदन का टॉवर टॉवर ऑफ़ लंदन, जिसे लंदन के सबसे ख़राब निष्पादन स्थलों में से एक कहा जाता है, टॉवर में बंद दर्जनों कैदियों के भूत द्वारा प्रेतवाधित किया गया था।  अपने भूतिया निवासियों में से सबसे प्रसिद्ध ऐनी बोलिन है;  इंग्लैंड की पूर्व रानी और राजा हेनरी VIII की पत्नी।   1536 में राजा के आदेश के अनुसार, वह अक्सर देखा गया है - कभी-कभी उसके सिर के बिना - टॉवर ग्रीन पर और व्हाइट टॉवर के भीतर स्थित चैपल के अंदर।   2. अराडले ल्यूनेटिक शरण,ऑस्ट्रेलिया 1867 में विक्टोरिया में तथाकथित "लुनाटिक्स" की बढ़ती संख्या को समायोजित करने के लिए खोला गया, शरण एक अनुमानित 13,000 मौतों का स्थल रहा है।  इलेक्ट्रोबॉक थेरेपी और लोबोटॉमी जैसे विशेष रूप से बर्बर उपचार अक्सर साइट पर किए जाते थे।  इसके क्रूर अतीत को देखते हुए, इसमें कोई आश्चर्य नहीं होना चाहिए कि आगंतुकों को सुनने की आवाज़ें सुनाई देती हैं, पूरे आश्रम में ईथर प्राणियों को देखकर और मतली और चक्कर के साथ दूर किया जाता है 3. स्टर्लिंग कैसल, स्कॉटलैंड एक बार स्कॉटलैंड...

Stonehenge: The Strange Ancient Monument

STONEHENGE - GREAT BRITAIN Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, about 2 miles west of Amesbury and 8 miles north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthwork Stonehenge is the UK's most important ancient monument and has been throughout history. It's one of Britain's most important tourist destinations and attracts about 900,000 visitors every year. It was visited by Romans stationed in the region and a Saxon burial on the site confirms that it was seen as a place of religious significance during both the dark and middle ages. The earliest known written reference appears in 937 AD with regard to a land deed from King Athelstan to Wilton Abbey which refers to 'Stanheyeg'. It's near impossible to imagine how Neolithic people managed to build it and rearrange it several times over the millennia. It's important to pagans a...